Monday, December 15, 2008

Little Me

So while trolling through my Mom's old pix on Flikr looking for a picture of the Ford
Below, I found this photo you might get a kick out of.  Me circa middle school on a winter
day preparing to mount the first outboard motor we bought on an old whitehall riveted skiff/wherry.  
In all not the most successfull day, while attempting to dismount the motor
by myself I dropped it in the water and ruined it.  The motor (an Air Cooled Eska) also
virated so much that it loosened all the copper rivets on the hull and made it leak thereafter.
To make things more odd, we sold it to an elderly Swedish mathmetician next door who 
re-built it and added a small cuddy cabin and a staysail who would take it out for days on end. 

His nickname was Sea-Weed because he seemingly drifted about on the water and washed up randomly like Seaweed.

PS: Note the Toughskins and the Snorkel Jacket (see previous post)

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