California Equal Marriage Poster

This is by the same guy as the Barack Hope poster

In Defense of Equal Marriage

I can understand many peoples reticence to embrace the notion of gay marriage. I think most of the opposition is from primitive brain stem fear of the "other". It might be dressed up as protection of the family, sanctity of opposite sex marriage, or any number of more high minded thoughts, but I am not buying it. Why?, well it makes no rational sense for one. In what way is my marriage diminished by what anyone else does or does not do. Equality in Marriage has been the law in MA for some time now, and near as I can tell the sky has not fallen and the sun still rises. Margaret Marshall and the MA Supreme Court (And John Adam's Constitution) got it exactly right IMHO. The equal protection clause is of course applicable to gay marriage. If a religion wishes to prohibit it that's their business. But this is the state and the constitution (federal and state) are bound to apply equal protection and in most states they do not when granting the privileges and protection of marriage. Does this also apply to plural marriage? In my opinion probably, but that is not the question. States that re-write their constitutions to subvert the very meaning of the documents will regret it. When was the last time Equality was wrong?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Neighborhood Nukes?

Hyperion Power is apparently set to introduce small commercial
Nukes. They claim that they are safe (delivered sealed from
the factory) and can power up to 20k homes. They go back to the factory
for re-fueling ~ 5-10 years.

Here's the link for more info.... Hyperion Power

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Support of Gay Marriage

I can understand many peoples reticence to embrace the notion of gay marriage.  I think most of the opposition is from primitive brain stem fear of the "other".  It might be dressed up as protection of the family, sanctity of opposite sex marriage, or any number of more high minded thoughts, but I am not buying it.  Why?, well it makes no rational sense for one.  In what way is my marriage diminished by what anyone else does or does not do. Equality in Marriage has been the law in MA for some time now, and near as I can tell the sky has not fallen and the sun still rises. Margaret Marshall and the MA Supreme Court (And John Adam's Constitution) got it exactly right IMHO. The equal protection clause is of course applicable to gay marriage. If a religion wishes to prohibit it that's their business. But this is the state and the constitution (federal and state) are bound to apply equal protection and in most states they do not when granting the privileges and protection of marriage. Does this also apply to plural marriage? In my opinion probably, but that is not the question. States that re-write their constitutions to subvert the very meaning of the documents will regret it. When was the last time Equality was wrong?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lumber Yard Skiff

This kind of boat was/is all over the place in the Northeast. This guy
on the Cape seems to have a going concern building them and selling plans.
I think I'll order the plans, it'd be great knocking around boat and really
all you need. Here is a link to his shop  Old Warf Dory Co.