Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008

This is the first I have ever heard of this !

Labor Orgasms Called 'Best-Kept Secret'

Moms, Experts Say Relaxation Is Key to Pleasurable Childbirth


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Our First Art

We have had this print for at least 18 years and I still love it.

A Great Poem

A couple of years ago I gave Martha a framed copy of this poem, one of my favorites

Scaffolding by Seamus Heaney



Masons, when they start upon a building,

Are careful to test out the scaffolding;


Make sure that planks won’t slip at busy points,

Secure all ladders, tighten bolted joints.


And yet all this comes down when the job’s done

Showing off walls of sure and solid stone.


So if, my dear, there sometimes seem to be

Old bridges breaking between you and me


Never fear. We may let the scaffolds fall

Confident that we have built our wall.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hooray ! New BSG Webisodes Coming

New Battlestar Webisodes!

SCIFI.COM announced the launch of a new 10-part series of Battlestar Galactica webisodes, "The Face of the Enemy," starting Dec. 12 at noon ET. 

Two webisodes will debut weekly, leading up to the on-air return of the series on Jan. 16, 2009. 

Each of the three- to four-minute chapters will complement and enhance the action broadcast on SCI FI and give viewers more insight into characters and events from the fourth and final season. 

"The Face of the Enemy" follows the action and suspense inside a stranded Raptor carrying a group of passengers, including Lt. Felix Gaeta (Alessandro Juliani) and a Number 8 Cylon (Grace Park). When passengers suddenly start dying in alarming ways, fear, panic and chaos erupt within the confines of the small ship as suspicion grows that there is a killer among them. Michael Hogan (Col. Tigh) and Brad Dryborough (Lt. Hoshi) also star. 

"The Face of the Enemy" is written by Jane Espenson and Seamus Kevin Fahey and is produced by Universal Cable Productions. 

The full schedule: Dec. 12: Chapter 1; Dec. 15: Chapter 2; Dec. 17: Chapter 3; Dec. 22: Chapter 4; Dec. 24: Chapter 5; Dec. 29: Chapter 6; Dec. 31: Chapter 7; Jan. 5: Chapter 8; Jan. 7: Chapter 9; and Jan. 12: Chapter 10

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Tree Time

The Girls and Scooby
Click on Pic for higher resolution

All Decorated Click on Pic
for full resolution.

Sean Hurley

Last Spring we bought one of his etchings and I would love to get more.  So far this is one of my
favorites.  Anyone familiar with the extended Boston area will immediately recognize this street
from Portsmouth,  NH.  It's right up the street from Piscatagua Fine arts where the artist is apprenticing with Don Gorvett.  Click here to see more of his work.