Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Nice Statistical Summary of Disputed Iranian Elections

Here is an incredibly damning report out of the U.K. summing up the "official" Iranian election results and comparing it to past elections. It's very readable and worth a look, if for nothing else than to get an idea of just how blatant and ham fisted the current regime is. If you're going to lie, at least make it plausible. sample blurb

"In a third of all provinces, the official results would require that
Ahmadinejad took not only all former conservative voters, all former
centrist voters, and all new voters, but also up to 44% of former
reformist voters, despite a decade of conflict between these two

1 comment:

  1. It's very readable and worth a look, if for nothing else than to get an idea of just how blatant and ham fisted the current regime is. If you're going to lie, at least make it plausible. feng shui master
