Okay, so programming languages evolve. C turns to C++/# and etc. But the compilers are different as are the "rules". Actual spoken language is a million times more adaptive. Words have very different meanings based on context and pronunciation. For a stupid example, take "Bitch" when spoken at
Westiminster Kennel Club and "Bitch" spoken in a hip hop video. Same word, different compiler so to speak. The point is that it's infinitely more flexible, context/timing/pronunciation all have meaning. Could this metaphor be expanded to computer languages as well. I am not sure, but I suspect that the answer is in the compiler paradigm.
O.K. so thinking more about this concept I guess what I am talking about is something like a wiki compiler. In the text messaging/chat context, BRB, FWIW, IMHO, WRT, AFAIK, LOL, all have commonly understood meanings. Could not the same paradigm be applied to programming languages?
Just Sayin.