I worked in the kitchen at P&E's in Thorne's Market, NoHo in the late eighties for a bit and they had some of the best food going (natural or otherwise). I was glad to see recently that they are still a going concern. Aside from one notably volatile personality, it was a really good crew who really cared what went out the door. Their Hummous, Tabouli, Cous-Cous, Tempura, Salads and Breads were all great, but to me, the absolute BEST thing on the menu, hands-down, full-stop, don't-stop ! was their Banana Cream Pie. P&E's also turned me on to the virtues of Japanese kitchen knives way before they became trendy and I have owned a Mac knife ever since. We are planning on taking a trip out to Northampton some time soon, and I can not wait to go drop in at P&E's for a slice or four of Pie. Oh yeah, and I hope the Herrel's is still there doing smoosh-in's. BTW: Apropos of nothing, back when we still had Blue Laws in MA and no liquor,beer or wine could be sold on Sundays, there was a pharmacy in the vicinity of Thorne's which used to sell beer out of the pharmacy on Sundays for "medicinal purposes". |
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