If you noticed realistic (Radioshack) had their own stlye an they was alot better than the common manufactors as even today their products is still good but not as good back then , i had a stereo console that had a 800 watt amp but it was turned down for the treble performance not the bass Of coarse it probly would've been better of the speakers was in a tightly enclosed box but thats another story
Baidu’s ERNIE launches ‘signal a global AI race’
The launch this weekend by Baidu of a native open-source multimodal
foundation model called ERNIE 4.5 and a reasoning model, ERNIE X1, could
lower AI ad...
Government Can't Just Survive, It Must Improve
There are only five companies in today’s Fortune 50 that were also in the
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the larg...
Turn Your Old Tube Television Into A Smart TV
The Toshiba Childcrusher 100 XL I'd like you to meet my new bedroom TV.
It's not fancy and it's not a flat screen, but I'm ecstatically pleased to
save it ...
How Things Work
Gawker.com is shutting down today, Monday 22nd August, 2016, some 13 years
after it began and two days before the end of my forties. It is the end of
an ...
Mom Has Stacked Dinner Party Roster
GOLDEN, CO—Their eyes widening in amazement as the 43-year-old rattled off
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A Kick to the Nuts of My Feet
Oh no, there's a hole in my socks. And not just a hole in any socks, but in
my good orange and black "LIVE FREE OR DIE" socks that I kind of think give
me ...
If you noticed realistic (Radioshack) had their own stlye an they was alot better than the common manufactors as even today their products is still good but not as good back then , i had a stereo console that had a 800 watt amp but it was turned down for the treble performance not the bass Of coarse it probly would've been better of the speakers was in a tightly enclosed box but thats another story